Listener Stories: Vol. 71


1: SPOOKY SCANDAL - How I found out about my brother - Taylor (She/Her)
2: A Caribbean Spooky Scandal with a Dash of True Crime - Franky (She/Her)
3: September Spooky Scandals (warning: some dark themes) - Anonymous
4: Spooky Family Scandal - Jennifer from New York City (She/Her)
5: Family scandal or government conspiracy theory? - Rubbs (They/He/She)
6: An Alien Cover-Up for Scandalous September - Remaining Nameless (He/Him)

Welcome to Zesty Zeptember! It's officially fall, as far as we're concerned and we've got some spooky scandals to knock your witchy socks off. We love how many anonymous submissions we got about everything from supernaturally finding out about secret family members to government conspiracies that are so juicy you may want to listen to the episode quickly in case it mysteriously disappears. If our Instagrams go dark in the next couple days, it was because of this episode... and that's why we drink!

Christine Schiefer