Listener Stories: Vol. 51


1: Haunted Christmas Tree - Makayla (she/her)
2: Cursed by Listening to Other's Curses - Linda (she/her)
3: I picked the wrong house for the bachelorette party. - Lakota (she/her)
5: My aunt caught a mass murderer! - Irene (she/her)
6: The one where I accidentally gave a convicted killer a ride - The Canadian Edition - MJ (she/her)
7: My Dad spent time in prison with John Wayne Gacey and Richard Speck-Ems tea time story - Nicole (she/her)

Welcome to 2021! We're only predicting sandwiches this time around. We decided to scale down our manifesting this year and just focus on food... remember when we learned the history of the word "quarantine" mere weeks before the epidemic hit. Yikes! We're just so glad to be here in the new year with you all and reading your creepy stories. This month Em dubs the theme "poop your pants" scary. We've got an equal split of wild paranormal stories and true crime connections, like the truth behind who spotted Richard Speck's notorious tattoo that led to his capture. We also hear from a listener who was cursed by our listeners episode about curses caused by the podcast. Lastly, we may or may not have discovered that Chrsitine's real dad is a bathroom shadow figure... and that's why we drink!

Christine Schiefer