Listener Stories: Vol. 50


1: ATWWD Cursed My Dog - Michelle
2: ATWWD cursed me (black eyed kids NO THANKS) - Seley or Selene (She/Her)
3: Cursed by ATWWD: The Walter(s) & the Power of 3 - Becca (she/her)
4: And That's Why We Drink Triggered..."My Gift"? - Emilia (she/her)
5: The child and me - Kiera Ebel (she/her)
6: The one where I listened to the Peggy the Doll ATWWD episode and got attacked at work - Aela (She/They)
7: Hello! Is This Thing On? Pretty Sure You Haunted My House - Anonymous (he/him/ghost)

Welcome to our big 50th listener stories episode! In honor of such a milestone, we're covering the hard hitting topics you've always yearned to know more about, like "does every dead guy have his name changed to Walt in the afterlife?" and "if you buy 12 cakes and your grandfather's ghost eats 9 of them, how many do you have left?". We also have a very special theme this time around: How ATWWD Cursed Me. We're chilled to our very core by all your creepy experiences related to the podcast. We also may have had a special guest write in... and that's why we drink!

Christine Schiefer