E418 A Labrador Retriever’s Decorating Sensibilities and a Barbed Wire Knitting Circle
Minnie and William Bowen
The Bowen’s home - site of the Guyra Ghost haunting
Patsy Wright
Josephine Tussaud’s Wax Museum that Em and Linda visited
Photo of Linda posing with a wax figure behind her in a very promiscuous way
Gio posing with “stick” displayed in the bookshelf behind
Stick tucked away with lots of other miscellaneous items
It’s episode 418 and we’re passing along our decorative sticks! This week Em takes us to a 1920s potato festival with the Guyra Ghost of Australia. Then Christine covers the wild and tragic case of Patsy Wright. Let’s bring back periscopes in 2025! …and that’s why we drink!